Skoči na glavno vsebino

V času koronavirusa je tudi pouk tujih jezikov naravnan na to temo. Dijaki v 1. letniku gimnazije se učijo , kako opisati svoj dan, a zdi se, da bi njihov običajni delovni dan lahko naslovili kar „Moj idealni dan“.

Ich stehe um zehn vor sieben auf. Ich frühstücke um sieben. Zum Frühstück esse ich ein Stück Brot mit Nutella oder Marmelade und trinke eine Tasse Kakao. Nach dem Frühstück ziehe ich mich für die Schule an und bereite ich meine Schultasche vor. Dann wasche ich mein Gesicht und putze meine Zähne. Um Viertel vor acht  nehme ich meine Sachen und gehe zur Schule. Ich bin in der Schule von acht bis zehn nach zwei Uhr. Ich esse zu Mittag in der Schule. Wenn der Unterricht endet, habe ich andere Aktivitäten. Ich komme um halb sieben nach Hause und esse zu Abend. Ich mache die Hausaufgabe und lerne. Dann sehe ich mit meiner Familie fern  oder lese. Um zehn Uhr bade ich und putze meine Zähne. Danach gehe ich ins Bett. Um elf schlafe ich ein.

Ana Kukanja,

Ich stehe morgens um fünf Uhr auf, wenn ich zur Schule muss. Ich gehe ins Badezimmer. Danach esse ich einen Joghurt mit Erdbeeren und Bananen zum Frühstück und trinke eine Tasse Tee. Dann putze ich meine Zähne und ziehe mich an. Der Unterricht fängt um acht Uhr an. Dort lerne ich und spreche mit meinen Freunden. In der Pause esse ich eine Orange und ein Stückchen Schokolade. Montags, donnerstags und freitags bin ich zu Hause um 14.40 Uhr. Dienstags und mittwochs fährt mein Bus um 13.20 Uhr ab. Zuerst esse ich zu Mittag und mache meine Hausaufgaben. Dann lese ich ein Buch und lerne ich. Um 22.30 Uhr ich schlafe ein. Das ist mein Tag.

Naja Zidar,

Ich stehe um sechs Uhr auf. Dann frühstücke ich zwei Stück Brot mit Marmelade. Danach gehe ich in die Schule. Der Bus fährt um fünf nach sieben ab. Ich komme in die Schule um zehn vor acht. Dann habe ich den Unterricht von acht Uhr bis zwanzig nach eins oder zehn nach zwei. Dann gehe ich nach Hause. Zu Hause esse ich das Mittagessen und mache die Hausaufgabe. Oft habe ich auch Basketballtraining von halb sieben bis halb neun. Um halb zehn esse ich das Abendessen und um elf Uhr schlafe ich schon.

Jan Lenarčič,

Pri jezikovnem modulu v 3. letniku gimnazije  in pri pouku angleščine v 2. letniku gimnazije so razmišljali o prednostih in pomanjkljivostih učenja na daljavo.

The quarantine has put all of us in a new situation. Professors have to adapt to a new way of teaching and students above all need to find enough motivation to keep up with all the tasks they are given, which is surprisingly hard to do when you are sitting in your room behind your desk with your comfortable bed and Netflix right there.

However, considering you successfully overcome all those obstacles, there are some advantages to this kind of studying. To a certain limit you can make your own timetables, sleep a little longer in the morning and take a little longer breaks than you could in school.

The problem occurs, because even though it is visible that professors really do try their best to make up for the lost time in school, the eye-to-eye factor and the possibility of asking questions is missing. In addition, when it comes to individual work with the help of textbooks, it is sometimes not quite clear which of the information is important and which is not.

In conclusion, I think virtual schooling is less efficient because of the lack of personal contact with professors, although for now it has been quite successful since there is really no other way to pull it through.

Nika Filipčič,

Čeprav vsi komaj čakamo, da se vrnemo v šolske klopi, je lepo brati, da se dijaki zavedajo, da moramo upoštevati predpisane ukrepe v boju proti virusu.

I have read a lot of articles about coronavirus and how it affects the economy, how to react to the global pandemic and the most importantly, how to protect yourself from getting sick. My opinion is that it is normal for the economy to drop because of the circumstances and that the government has been adopting new measures to prevent spreading. I also think people should follow these measures about self-isolation and restricted movements. That means people should stay at home and only run errands that they need, for example to grocery stores and pharmacy. Students should obey school instructions about online classes and instructions from their teachers.

Sara Milićev,

Lately, the world has been facing coronavirus that has affected practically every country and almost every individual because most countries went into quarantine in the hope of preventing it from spreading. Staying inside is hard, but we must follow the rules and by doing so, help the society in the battle against the virus. I think that everybody should protect himself and others by staying at home as recommended by the governments. In addition, we must try to stay calm, because anxiety only makes everything worse. In times like this, we must obey the rules and have a little patience and things will be better soon.

Teja Vončina,

Življenje pa gre seveda naprej. Čeprav je problematika epidemije povsod v ospredju, se porajajo tudi nove zamisli in usvajajo nova znanja. Dijaki 3.a gimnazije so se lotili problema našega zdravja na drugačen način.

Japanese scientists have discovered a new way to provide new body parts. Their idea is to place human stem cells inside the embryo of an animal- to be exact, of a pig.

I do not support this idea, because I think this way of rearing will after a while become cruel, because suddenly people will be over-using animals, and they will get rid of them if they do not provide organs. In addition, it may be health risky for people who will get these organs, because our bodies are not naturally made to accept organs reared in animals. It may be also risky for pigs, because they will all have to have a surgery to take organs out of them and there is always possibility that something goes wrong. Another concern is that not everybody could afford rearing pigs carrying organs, because this will probably be very expensive and only rich people could afford it.

On the other hand, this idea has its advantages, too. There is a shortage of transplant organs, so providing new organs through animals may be a solution and thousands of people’s lives could be saved.  

Although I do not agree with idea, I have to admit that the idea is progressive, and our society is progressing rapidly, so I will not be surprised if in the future the idea is realized.

Urška Vitez, 3ag

Doris Furlan, za aktiv tujih jezikov

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